Industry Projects

COMputation Island

The Logo and QR code of COMputation Island, Welcome to scan and follow!

The Logo and QR code of COMputation Island, Welcome to scan and follow!

I am the author and editor member of COMputation Island (“计传岛” in Chinese), which is a WeChat-based online platform (with 10,000+ followers) for developing computational communication research (CCR) and computational social science research, founded by Yingdan Lu, and co-founded with Dr. Yiyan Zhang and Zening Duan. We wrote and edited articles to share cutting edge computational social science research articles and methods to Asian community. Some of my writings (Chinese):[article7],[article6],[article5],[article4],[article3],[article2],[article1].

Website Design

I and my teammates: Danielle Annecston, Cathleen Cusachs, Danilo Martinez, and Xiner Zhang designed this [website] for the NGO Organization “Paper Bag Mask Foundation” in the course “User-Producers 2.0: Developing Interactivity” at Boston U. We mainly used the html, css, and the WordPress.